Good polished concrete floor

Good polished concrete floor

With years of experience in polished concrete floor comes quality assurance. Our specialised team prove themselves project by project.

Design is everything. It makes a difference between average and outstanding. But without a professional and experienced team, even best design can fail. Polished concrete floor requires patience. It can not be done all in one go. Depending on required texture, every level of grit requires at least two passes with polisher, in order to achieve uniform effect. Advanced machinery allows us to do that efficiently and at the same time keeping the place tidy without excess dust. Advanced chem products help to harden surface when required.

Plan early to achieve stunning results

Preparation is everything and possibilities are endless. At the early stages of your project, when the slab is poured, it is the best time to decide what kind of finish would be the best. Embedded seashells, glass or even metal, when polishing can give the surprisingly interesting and unique effect of your concrete floor.

Good polished concrete floor
Concrete after polishing proces
  • Burnished top – where the creamy laitance has been heavily mechanically trowelled at time of placement. No aggregate exposure
  • Salt and Pepper Concrete effective – with only a slight grind to remove a micron of laitance and achieve very minimal exposure
  • Quarter Cut – where you grind the aggregate back to expose a light aggregate
  • Half Cut – this is when you grind the aggregate through to 50% of the stone is fully exposed